Show only projects (28)
GEF_ID Project Title Documents Countries GEF Agency Focal Areas
11574 Control and reduction of mercury emissions from the cement industry in Brazil Brazil UNIDO Chemicals and Waste
11572 Strengthening Zambezi River Basin Management towards Climate Resilience and Ecosystem Health. Regional, Angola, Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania AfDB International Waters
11553 Global Electronics Management (GEM) Program Global, Philippines, Türkiye, Peru, Cambodia, Colombia, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kazakhstan, Viet Nam, Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa UNIDO, AfDB, UNDP, UNEP Chemicals and Waste
11551 Rehabilitation and restoration of ecosystems in the Gum Arabic belt and sustainable use of forest resources in Mauritania Mauritania FAO Land Degradation
11546 Strengthening Indonesia's Reduction and Elimination in the Distribution and Supply Chain of Mercury from National Health (SIRENE) Indonesia UNDP Chemicals and Waste
11534 Global Chemicals Monitoring Programme to support implementation of Stockholm and Minamata Conventions (GCMP) Global, Africa, Latin America and Caribbean, Asia/Pacific UNEP Chemicals and Waste
11524 Integrated Management of Seascapes of the Kazakhstani part of the Caspian Sea and Land Resources of Adjacent Territories Kazakhstan UNDP Multi Focal Area
11523 Safeguarding the future of Namibia’s Protected Area Network through Financing4Future Namibia WWF-US Biodiversity
11520 Improving the source to sea governance to reduce the impacts on the transboundary large marine ecosystems in the SICA region Regional, Belize, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Panama, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras FAO International Waters
11516 Global Programme to Support Countries to Upscale Integrated Electric Mobility Systems - Addendum June 2024 Global, Palau, Rwanda UNEP Multi Focal Area
11510 Mex30x30: Conserving Mexican biodiversity through communities and their protected areas Mexico CI Biodiversity
11509 Caatinga Protected Areas Program - ARCA Brazil WWF-US Biodiversity
11508 Biodiversity Conservation in Indigenous Lands Brazil Funbio Biodiversity
11490 Ecosystem restoration in seven national protected areas of Argentina Argentina CAF Biodiversity
11478 CoHABITAT – Conservation and sustainable management of wetlands, forest and grasslands to secure the population of Migratory species along Central Asian Flyway in India India UNDP Biodiversity
11455 Transformation Approach to Large Scale Investment in Support of the Implementation of the Great Green Wall Initiative- TALSISI-GGWI Regional, Burkina Faso, Chad, Ethiopia, Gambia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal UNEP, BOAD Multi Focal Area
11450 Support to the Productive Development Bank for the deployment of the Eco-efficiency Credit Programme in Bolivia Bolivia UNDP Multi Focal Area
11448 Conservation, development and livelihoods for thriving people and nature South Africa UNDP Biodiversity
11429 Blueing the Caspian Sea Regional, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan World Bank Multi Focal Area
11423 Enhancing the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity to meet India’s commitment to the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework targets by 2030 India UNDP Biodiversity
11414 Conserving terrestrial and marine biodiversity and restoring ecosystem services in globally relevant and vulnerable sites in Somalia Somalia UNDP Multi Focal Area
11408 Integrated Conservation and Sustainable Development in Socotra Archipelago and Aden Wetlands, Yemen Yemen UNEP Multi Focal Area
11390 CSIDS SOILCARE Phase 2 - Caribbean Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) multi-country soil management initiative for integrated Landscape Restoration and climate-resilient food systems Regional, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago FAO Land Degradation
11335 Introducing Nature Based Solutions to Ensure Resilient Ecosystems, Green Recovery and Sustainable Livelihoods Bosnia-Herzegovina UNDP, FAO Multi Focal Area
11333 Integrated landscape management in the Napo River Basin for sustainable land management and biodiversity conservation. Ecuador UNDP Multi Focal Area
11323 Indonesia Coral Bond Indonesia World Bank Biodiversity
11287 Sustainable Cities Integrated Program Global, Belize, Benin, Cuba, Gabon, Guatemala, Kenya, Mongolia, Peru, Philippines, Serbia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Congo, Algeria, Chile, China, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mali, Zimbabwe World Bank, IADB, DBSA, IUCN, UNEP, BOAD, UNDP, FAO, UNIDO Multi Focal Area
11179 Restoration and sustainable forest management of the Algerian Aleppo pine forest, ecosystem Algeria UNDP Multi Focal Area